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IPL & medical 전용  

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    · 원산지 : 한국

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1. Tri-Beam

What is the Q-Switched Nd:YAG Laser?
  • The pulse duration of the laser in Q-switched mode is shorter than thermal relaxation time of chromospheres.
  • So, there are no damages on surrounding tissues.
  • Also, high peak power enables very effective treatment for targeted melanin and dye.
  • Among the existing medical laser devices, 1064nm penetrates the deepest, and so it is used for the treatment of deep pigment lesion in dermis such as Ota nevus.
  • Nd:YAG with 532nm enables to superficially penetrate into epidermal pigment lesions.
  • So, Nd-YAG laser developed by wavelength of both 1064nm and 532nm is commonly used for pigmented legions on the skin surface.
2. Feature
Gen Technique™ by using Quasi-Long Pulse
  • Quasi-Long Pulse(Pulse width 300㎳) 1,064㎚ Gen Technique™ is functional combination of thermal lifting and toning by using fundamental of Subcellular Selective Photothermolysis. Gen Technique™ is not only good for pigmentation lesions, but also useful treatment for general skin rejuvenation of reducing large pores and skin lifting.
  • Gen Technique™ for photorejuvenation is the new paradigm of laser technology that brings the better efficacy for large pore, peeling and lifting by destroying deep pigmentation cell and regenerating collagen.
Substantial use of 532㎚ Q-Switched
  • 532㎚ using 940mJ, Q-Switched Nd:YAG is able to remove pigmentation on the epidermal area. Especially, TRI-BEAM allows you to treat the area fast with large spot size. Also, you can use this for skin whitening and toning by eliminating lesions on the epidermis by 532㎚ with powerful energy.
  • TRI-BEAM enables delicate treatment from 1㎜ spot to large areas such as Café au lait macules or Ota nevus by 532㎚ strong energy with large spot.
Rich-PTP™ Technology
Rich-PTP(Photoacoustic Toning Pulse)™ is a unique technology of TRI-BEAM and has accomplished the best clinical efficacy that non of other Q-Switched Nd:YAG machines has ever made.
Particularly, Rich-PTP™ Technology shatters targeted chromophore and maximizes PhotoAcoustic effect.
In consequence, Rich-PTP™ Technology satisfies patients with higher aesthetical result based on the most powerful energy, TRI-BEAM has meets the laser toning requirements such as advanced high peak power and short pulse duration.
2 Pulse/ 20Hz/, Powerful Rich-PTP™ Toning
Fast and effective treatment
2 pulse of TRI-BEAM delivers more efficacy and minimizes the adverse effects for Melasma treatment
20Hz of 2 pulse energy makes faster and safer treatment than current laser toning devices.
True Flat-Top Beam Profile
  • True Flat-Top (Homogenized) beam mode with multi high-reflection mirror minimizes any damages on the epidermis

Energy Pop-up Protection / Auto Calibration
  • TRI-BEAM is loaded with energy pop-up protective device to solve the chronic trouble of energy pop up of Q-Nd:YAG, and it protects patient to be safe from the side effect.
  • Stabilized beam power by auto calibration feature through outside installation power-meter.
  • Securing safety is important as it is hard to observe End-point by eyes when having genesis technique and laser toning treatment.
Cooling Water Temperature Control
  • Auto-controller optimizes cooling water temperature to maintain the highest beam rate.
Q-Switched 1064㎚
  • Melasma Laser Toning – Due to the deep penetration, it mainly targets pigment, melasma and other lesions in dermis area.
  • Dermal pigmentation
  • Ota nevus / Blue nevus / Mongolian spot / Ito nevus / Congenital Pigmented Nevus: Birthmark
  • Rejuvenation: Targeting melanin and water
  • Carbon peel: Acne / Rejuvenation / large pore / fine lines
Q-Switched 532㎚
  • Melasma laser toning / lentigo
  • 532nm is generally used for epidermal lesions due to its superficial penetration.
  • Café au lait macules / Lentigo
  • Nevus spilus / Becker’s nevus / Congenital Pigmented Nevus: Birthmark
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상호 : 주식회사 엔젤코리아에스떼   대표자 : 최 윤 석
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